
AI Technology Applied By Mitsubishi Electric To Develop Fast Force-Feedback Control Algorithm

Now industrial robots will allow low-tolerance precision tasks to be effectively completed with fewer trials and within less time in comparison to what is now available with human-supported robot assembly. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation announced that this has been made possible with help of a fast force-feedback control algorithm for industrial robots that the Japanese company has been able to develop with the help of its Maisart proprietary artificial intelligence (AI) technology.
Robots are not required to violently move for assembly insertion as the new developed algorithm has managed to shortened assembly insertion times by about 65 percent in company-conducted tests, the company said. Robots are used in modern electric plants for assembling of electric components that include printed circuit boards and connecters, and in inserting mechanical parts and Mitsubishi Electric expects that the new algorithm will be able to enhance the efficiency of such robotic tasks in the concerned industry. The new fast force-feedback control algorithm will be exhibited by Mitsubishi Electric for the public and industry experts alike at the International Robot Exhibition which is to be held at the Tokyo Big Sight exhibition complex from November 29 through to December 2.
In advanced economies such as in Japan where there is a shortage of labor as the young population is diminishing, great promise is being shown by automatic-production systems using industrial robots taking the pace of humans, even as there is growing interest in in human-implemented cell-production systems among technologists and industry alike. However, till now, human intervention is required in the process as skilled personnel needs to program and make parameter adjustments in automatic systems that are used for precision assembly and insertion operations, so that a desired degree of flexibility is achieved in the human-implemented assembly processes. And such human intervention in assembly work therefore requires additional costs and time and for this, manufacturers have been trying to reduce such costs 
Assembly time is shortened and violent movements by assembly robots is eliminated by the Mitsubishi Electric’s Maisart AI technology, the new fast force-feedback control algorithm, claimed the company.  Fast and precise adjustments for the parameters of such tasks are allowed by this new technology developed by Mitsubishi Electric Company. stopping of the robots would not be required for incorporation of high-precision force-sensor data by the technology in particular. Mitsubishi Electric’s new algorithm eliminates the step of stopping of the robots before introducing force-feedback control in assembly lines as is done conventionally.
The company said that in the future, development of intelligent industrial robots and creation of fast force-feedback control algorithms would be continued to be done by the application of its propriety to achieve faster and lower-cost assembly systems.

Christopher J. Mitchell
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