
The Race To Replace Facebook Will See Markethive Taking Part

An alternative to the Facebook system will be built by Markethive, a "Market Network" with help from a group of angel investors who are offering it a significant investment fund as the firm announced its official entry into the "Open Book Challenge".
As an advanced social network, Markethive's Market Network is being perceived to be an alternative to Facebook as well as LinkedIn.  And the keys to the future according to the founders of Markethive are privacy and collaboration.
"Markethive was built on the foundation of 20 years of proprietary technology and has been running live with 1000s of subscribers in beta for nearly 4 years," said Thomas Prendergast, Markethive's CEO.  "Markethive's mission is to create a universal income for entrepreneurs, using our multiple platforms built for the entrepreneurial markets."
"When we became aware of the #deletefacebook campaign led by Elon Musk of Tesla, I knew Markethive is the solution", said Douglas Yates, CTO and co-founder.
Markethive is considered to be an important player in the Market Network industry. Market networks have been defined as the logical evolutions of aging social networks. The SaaS and commerce platforms are integrated with the social network in Market Networks such as Markethive. And in order to fund the Universal Income for entrepreneur's aspects within the realm, Markethive also adds additional revenue-producing systems.
There are a number of aspects that have been integrated into the Markethive. It is a Facebook-like system that is comprised of Inbound Marketing Systems like SaaS, a social network that is similar to Facebook, a webinar system that has Avatar, a rewards program that is like a faucet that has their own coin, a proprietary coin exchange and a commerce platform that resembles freelancer.
Ion the Open Book Challenge (OPC), all of the investments would be made by angel investor Jason Calacanis and those investment would be syndicated to at the discretion of the founder.

The aim of the Open Book Challenge is to finance and invest in a project that would see the creation and development of seven purpose-driven teams who would strive to create a social network that would have over a billion users and which will be able to replace Facebook. At the same time focus would be to maintain privacy of information. The replacement systems that OPC wants to invest in would essentially not manipulate people and those4 that would be able to protect the democracy of the user from bad actors attempting to spread misinformation.

Christopher J. Mitchell
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