

Business Essentials for Professionals


First Hyperloop For Cargo In India To Be Launched By A Large Port Operator

The first hyperloop project of one of the largest port operators of the world - DP World, would be launched in India according to the chairman of the company.    An agreement for partnership was signed with Virgin Hyperloop One by DP World, which is owned by the UAE government last year...

A New World War Could Result Form Of Fight For Technology, Says Alibaba's Jack Ma

A third world war could result because of a fight for technology, warned Chinese billionaire and Alibaba founder Jack Ma. History has shown that global conflicts take place primarily because of technological innovation, he said.   "The first world war was because of the first technology...

Consistency and dramatic evolutions: the banknotes’ manufacturing history

Paper money is used so frequently that it seems to us that it does not change at all and its appearance remains the same as five or ten years ago. Yet, banknotes do change even though we may not notice it. Every few years, manufacturers add new features to protect bills from counterfeiters, ensure...

Signs Of Eye Damage In Tears Can Be Detected By Color Changing Sensors

A gel laden with gold nanoparticles has bene developed by a group of researchers at the University of Illinois (UI). The nanoparticles react with a teardrop which has containing ascorbic acid that is released from a wound to the eye to change color of the gel.   The study has been newly...

Officially The World's Fastest Supercomputer Is IBM's Summit

IBM's supercomputer Summit is now officially the world's fastest supercomputer. This ranking was announced on Monday by a biannual ranking of the world's 500 fastest supercomputers, or the Top500.   The Summit overtook China's Sunway TaihuLight to gain the top spot.   A statement for...

People With Cornea Problems Now Have Hope In 3D-Printed Artificial Corneas

The manner in which stem cells or human corneal stromal cells taken from the cornea of a healthy donor can be mixed along with alginate and collagen for creating a solution which is printable and is called a ‘bio-ink’ has been shown in the proof-of-concept research which was published as a report...

New Era of Food and Beverage Packaging to be offered by GE Digital and SIG

A wide range of digital innovation in food and beverage packaging will be offered by a joint collaboration between GE Digital and SIG - a firm dealing in packaging systems and solutions dedicated for the food and beverage industry.   The companies say that new possibilities, intelligent...

World's First Commercial Transaction Using Blockchain Done By It: Clams HSBC

The first successful commercially viable trade finance transaction with the help of blockchain technology in the world was conducted by HSBC, the bank claimed on Monday.   A letter of credit was issued on behalf of U.S. food and agriculture firm Cargill by the bank. A shipment of soybeans...

Fake Star Launch Into Earth’s Orbit By A Space Company Angers Astronomers

A satellite that is linked to a giant disco ball was secretly sent into orbit by a New Zealand space company that is privately owned. And this act has drawn the criticism of astronomers across the world.   A remote sheep and cattle farm on the Mahia Peninsula in New Zealand was used for the...

The First Completely Transparent Decentralized Blockchain Lottery Is Fire Lotto

It was in December that the Ethereum protocol was used to built and launch an international Blockchain lottery named Fire Lotto.   The growth of digital economy has created multiple challenges for the lottery industry.   But experts are of the view that innovation of the global...

Researchers Find Mosquitos Can Recall Human Smells As Well As Swats

It may seem quite startling to know that mosquitoes have the ability to quickly learn and remembers the odor of their hosts which can also help them to remember an unsuccessful swat for a long time.    This was published in a study in the journal Current Biology on January 25 which...

Coffee Tradition Of Santiago De Cuba To Be Used By Authorities To Gain Profits

A different form of attention is being accorded to coffee plantations that are grown on the slopes of the Sierra Maestra Mountains in Cuba. The place lies about 500 meters above sea level.   The Santiago de Cuba wants to make the coffee plantations a tourist attraction and for this purpose,...
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