

Business Essentials for Professionals


Drone Parcel Deliveries Tested by Amazon in the UK

In a move that aims to bring the unmanned flying machines closer to being used for deliveries, Amazon, the U.S. e-commerce giant said that it has partnered with the U.K. government to test drones in Britain's rural and suburban areas.   Permission to explore "three key innovations" have been...

Lampposts and Churches Could be Used by Amazon as Delivery Drone ‘Perches’

In what is being seen as a major technological change for the online retail business, Amazon’s delivery drones can now recharge and pick up packages from docking stations.   Amazon, one of the world’s largest online retailing firms and an e-commerce giant, would now be allowed to build such...

A Robot Dog that Dances and Protects - Domgy

Derived from an affectionate anagram of the phrase "my dog,", Roobo, a Chinese artificial intelligence startup, recently pulled back the curtain on an artificial intelligence-powered "pet robot" named Domgy. Even though his functions are more like robotic housekeeper Rosie than the family's pet dog...

Era of Artificial Technology Declared by Tech Moguls

Humans will need to implant "neural laces" in their brains to keep up with computers that would be driven by artificial intelligence and machine learning which will create sophisticated computers.   These were the views of Tesla Motors and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk expressed while addressing a...

Companies Facing Likely Fraud to be Connected to Breached Data by a Startup

The rising instances of data breaches is driving defenders to seek new ways to connect the dots and stop secondary crimes sooner even as the continuing parade of mass data breaches increases the opportunities for miscreants to use grabbed credentials for all manner of fraud.   The Dark Web,...

New Cloud Services for Blockchain Launched by IBM

With the purpose of aiding those companies that are looking to set up cloud computing - a network of computers where users are increasingly storing their data and computing work, IBM started a new service that helps such clients to design and develop blockchain technology in a secure environment in...

Again….The Tallest Building in the World is Being Built in Dubai

Set to rise slightly above the Burj Khalifa that currently holds the title for the tallest building of the world, Dubai’s flagship developer Emaar Properties on Sunday unveiled plans to construct the world’s tallest tower in the Middle Eastern emirate.   By often pursuing futuristic...

Timetable for Self-driving Vehicle Guidance Warned to be too Aggressive by Automaker Group

U.S. auto safety regulators' timetable for unveiling guidance on the deployment of self-driving cars has been termed to be too aggressive by an automaker trade association of the country.   In order to get input as it writes policy guidance for states, automakers and tech companies about...

Cellebrite to help FBI unlock the iPhone in the San Bernardino shooting case

Cellebrite a subsidiary of Japan’s Sun Corp is based in Israel. It has expertise in retrieving hidden data stored in mobile devices using forensic systems. An Israeli company called Cellebrite, which provides mobile forensic software, is helping the United States with its attempt to unlock the...

Voxelus creates a platform for virtual reality games

The new YouTube with a twist, instead of videos, you get VR games. Imagine creating a virtual reality game without having to key-in a single line of code. This isn’t a vision of a company, this is a creation of Voxelus. Already many users, including a 9 year old, have created virtual reality...

Upcoming energy efficient technologies

Here’s the weekly capsule that captures upcoming green technologies. Can you imagine installing solar panels by rolling them out, as you would do with a carpet? Roll-Array promises exactly that. Their flexible solar power system can be setup in two minutes flat.   Talking of solar power...

Researchers combine features of geckos and ants in tiny robots

Using biomimicry researchers use 6 robots weighing less than half a pound each to tug a two ton car. Researchers from Stanford University may have had ants for inspiration when they designed their tiny uBots. The researchers have created tiny robots, each weighing less than half a pound, which in...
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