

Business Essentials for Professionals


The Race To Replace Facebook Will See Markethive Taking Part

An alternative to the Facebook system will be built by Markethive, a "Market Network" with help from a group of angel investors who are offering it a significant investment fund as the firm announced its official entry into the "Open Book Challenge".   As an advanced social network,...

Coders Of The Future Is Being Created By A $5 Computer

Modern life is all entrenched by technology.   But there are many who find it very hard to lay hands on cutting-edge devices which can help them in the development of their skills and knowledge.   With this consideration in mind, the access of such people to computers is being...

Four Chinese Companies Were Given Access To Some Data, Accepts Facebook

Four Chinese companies are among those with whom Facebook has data sharing partnerships. The list includes Huawei which is the third largest smartphone manufacturer in the world and one which has faced flak from the US intelligence authorities on issues of security.   The other three Chinese...

Manufacturing Sector Growth Index Indicates Reversal Of Slow Growth In British Economy

Data from the manufacturing sector of the United Kingdom suggests that there could be a reversal in the poor performance of the British economy during the first quarter of the current fiscal year. the data was released on Friday.   A strong performance in the second quarter is being put in...

OECD Says British Economic Output Depressed By Brexit Concerns

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) says that Britain's economic performance is being depressed by concerns about the ultimate result of the composition of Brexit.   The British economy would grow by 1.4 percent this year, estimated the OECD in its Economic...

Fund To Allow Malaysians Top Donate To Reduce National Debt Set Up By Government

The Malaysian government is tapping into the perceived euphoria among people following the stunning results in this month’s national elections by urging them to contribute in the reduction of the country’s RM1 trillion (S$337 billion) debt burden.   The newly elected government in the...

Private Label Brands Likely To Reshape The Walmart Amazon Fight In India

Private label brands are getting popular among tens of millions of aspirational Indian shoppers who ae seeking affordable alternatives for everything from clothes to smartphones. This group of shoppers are those who desire to look hip and cool but are not able to afford big global brand names....

Walmart-Flipkart Deal In India Is Objected To Be Local Trader Group

The antitrust regulator of India has been approached by an Indian trader body with serious reservations against the acquisition of the largest e-commerce website in India – Flipkart, by Walmart Inc’s for a deal worth $16 billion. However, lawyers and sources have said that the complaint is not...

JP Morgan Eyes China Securities Business Market; Applies For Majority Stake Venture

The recently relaxed ownership norms in China has driven JPMorgan Chase & Co to apply for a permission with the Chinese securities regulator for starting of a securities business in the country with ownership of a majority stake in the new business remaining with the U.S. bank.  ...

Reaction Of Other Countries To Trump’s Iran Move Awaited By Global Oil Market

Price of crude oil surpassed the $77 per barrel mark for the first time since 2014 following the decision of United States president Donald Trump to pull out of the Iran deal and the looming fear of re-imposition of financial and economic sanctions against Iran.   The market is however,...

Asia-Pacific Headquarters Of GM To Be Shifted To South Korea: Govt.

The South Korean government has announced that the United States based automaker General Motors (GM) has decided to finally choose the Asian country to set up its Asia-Pacific headquarters. This is a further measure by the company as part of its commitment towards revitalizing it loss making...

Surge In Solar Power Investments In 2017: UN Report

Investments in solar power generation attracted the highest investments globally in 2017 according to the Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2018. The investments overshot those made in coal, natural gas, nuclear and wind energy. The report was prepared jointly by UN Environment, the...
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