Google, which is controlled by Alphabet Inc., on Saturday prohibited Russia's state-owned media outlet RT and a number of other channels from collecting money for advertisements on its websites, apps, and YouTube videos over the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This followed a similar decision taken by the largest social media platform of the world Facebook also for the same cause,
Google's YouTube unit stated that it was "pausing a number of channels’ ability to monetize on YouTube" because of the "exceptional circumstances". Those companies that have been targeted in this move by the company included various Russian channels that are linked to recent sanctions, such as those imposed by the European Union.
YouTube has a strong grip on ad placement.
Later on Google stated that Russian media companies that are funded and backed by government finds will not be allowed to utilize the company’s ad technology to generate income by placing advertisements gathered from Google on the websites and applications of the media outlets.
Furthermore, Russian media will be unable to buy advertisements through Google Tools or post ads on Google services such as search and Gmail, according to spokesperson Michael Aciman.
"We’re actively monitoring new developments and will take further steps if necessary," Aciman said.
The European Union imposed sanctions on Russian individuals such as Margarita Simonyan, the editor-in-chief of RT and a "key role" in Russian propaganda, on Wednesday.
Videos from impacted media will also appear less frequently in recommendations, according to YouTube spokeswoman Farshad Shadloo. He also stated that RT and numerous other channels will no longer be available in Ukraine due to a request from the Ukrainian government.
YouTube had been contacted by Ukraine Digital Transformation Minister Mykhailo Fedorov on Saturday and the minister of the country under invasion by Russia asked the video sharing social media platform to block the propagandist Russian channels — such as Russia 24, TASS, RIA Novosti", according to a Tweet by the minister.
There were no comments on the issue from RT and Simonyan.
YouTube on the other hand did not name the other Russian channels that have been restricted in its latest move.
For years, politicians and some consumers have encouraged Google to take greater action against Russian government-linked channels, worried that they disseminate disinformation and should not benefit from it.
Russia got an estimated $7 million to $32 million in advertising revenue from 26 YouTube channels it funded in the two years leading up to December 2018, according to digital researcher Omelas at the time.
YouTube has previously stated that it does not treat state-funded media channels that follow its regulations differently than others when it comes to ad income sharing.
Meta Platforms Inc, Facebook's parent company, restricted Russian state media from running advertisements or generating income from ads on its platforms on Friday.
Google's YouTube unit stated that it was "pausing a number of channels’ ability to monetize on YouTube" because of the "exceptional circumstances". Those companies that have been targeted in this move by the company included various Russian channels that are linked to recent sanctions, such as those imposed by the European Union.
YouTube has a strong grip on ad placement.
Later on Google stated that Russian media companies that are funded and backed by government finds will not be allowed to utilize the company’s ad technology to generate income by placing advertisements gathered from Google on the websites and applications of the media outlets.
Furthermore, Russian media will be unable to buy advertisements through Google Tools or post ads on Google services such as search and Gmail, according to spokesperson Michael Aciman.
"We’re actively monitoring new developments and will take further steps if necessary," Aciman said.
The European Union imposed sanctions on Russian individuals such as Margarita Simonyan, the editor-in-chief of RT and a "key role" in Russian propaganda, on Wednesday.
Videos from impacted media will also appear less frequently in recommendations, according to YouTube spokeswoman Farshad Shadloo. He also stated that RT and numerous other channels will no longer be available in Ukraine due to a request from the Ukrainian government.
YouTube had been contacted by Ukraine Digital Transformation Minister Mykhailo Fedorov on Saturday and the minister of the country under invasion by Russia asked the video sharing social media platform to block the propagandist Russian channels — such as Russia 24, TASS, RIA Novosti", according to a Tweet by the minister.
There were no comments on the issue from RT and Simonyan.
YouTube on the other hand did not name the other Russian channels that have been restricted in its latest move.
For years, politicians and some consumers have encouraged Google to take greater action against Russian government-linked channels, worried that they disseminate disinformation and should not benefit from it.
Russia got an estimated $7 million to $32 million in advertising revenue from 26 YouTube channels it funded in the two years leading up to December 2018, according to digital researcher Omelas at the time.
YouTube has previously stated that it does not treat state-funded media channels that follow its regulations differently than others when it comes to ad income sharing.
Meta Platforms Inc, Facebook's parent company, restricted Russian state media from running advertisements or generating income from ads on its platforms on Friday.