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The Last US Airline To Stop Flights To Venezuela Is American Airlines

The Last US Airline To Stop Flights To Venezuela Is American Airlines
Following a warning issued by the Allied Pilots Association union – a national body of US pilots, about its member pilots flying to Venezuela, all flights to the South American country was suspended by American Airlines. The airline has about 15000 pilots who are members of the Allied Pilots Association.
With the decision of the American, all major U.S. carriers have stopped their flights to fly to Venezuela. 
The present conditions in Venezuela, which has been lately troubled by civil unrest in recent weeks with people demonstrating against the president of the country Nicolas Maduro, are being evaluated by the airline, American said on Friday.
“American will not operate to countries we don’t consider safe,” spokesman Ross Feinstein told the media.
Recently, just before the warning by the pilot’s union about Venezuela, the Travel Advisory to the country was raised to Level 4 earlier this week by the U.S. State Department.
'Crime, civil unrest, poor health infrastructure, and arbitrary arrest and detention of U.S. citizens' were cited to be the reason behind the most recent travel advisory to Venezuela by the U.S. Department of State, it said in the note by the pilot’s association that had been sent to the media by its communications committee chairman Captain Dennis Tajer.
The association further said that the advisory from the U.S. Department of State also laid special emphasis on the occurrence of 'violent crime, such as homicide, armed robbery, kidnapping, and carjacking,’ in Venezuela and such incidents had become common in the country which posed a threat to any American travellers visiting the country. based on these observations, the U.S. Department of State recommended that any U.S. residents who plan to travel in Venezuela should immediately leave the country.
Further, the guidance from the pilot’s union also noted that all of its operations of the U.S. Embassy in Caracas have been suspended and all of the diplomatic personnel working in the Embassy have been asked to leave the Venezuela. There is no consular services currently being offered by the U.S. Embassy in Caracas, the association said.
"Until further notice, if you are scheduled, assigned, or reassigned a pairing into Venezuela, refuse the assignment by calling your Chief Pilot or IOC Duty Pilot ... ," the note said. "Inform them that you are refusing the assignment in accordance with the direction of the U.S. Department of State. APA will provide follow-on information as soon as it becomes available."
The notice closes with a succinct reminder: "To reiterate: Do not accept any trips to Venezuela."

Christopher J. Mitchell

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