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Dell clears the last hurdle in the acquisition of EMC Corp for $67 billion

The European Commission has cleared the merger of EMC with Dell. This strategic acquisition will enable Dell to compete better with rivals such as Cisco, IBM and Hewlett-Packard in areas such as cyber security, mobility and cloud storage.

Dell’s historic acquisition, the largest ever in the tech sector, was announced in October last year. With the European Commission giving the go ahead for its $67 billion planned acquisition of EMC Corp, a company which specializes in data storage, marks the completion of the deal.

Thanks to this strategic acquisition, Dell now will be in a position to better challenge rivals such as Cisco Systems Inc., Hewlett-Packard and IBM not only in the cloud storage arena but also in mobility and cyber security.

While clearing the deal, the European Commission noted that the combined entity would be in a position to provide the market with external storage systems and is likely to have a moderate market share in this segment and face stiff competition.

As per the Commission, despite EMC’s VMWare having a strong market position in the virtualization market, it would not be in a position and nor have the ability to shut down its competitors.

Debashish Mukherjee

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